Tokyo City University and Tamagawa University have signed an agreement to collaborate in fields such as academic research and exchange of students and faculty members.In the future, it is said that it will promote various concrete efforts and contribute to human resource development and the development of the local community.

 According to Tokyo City University, the signing ceremony of the agreement was held at Tamagawa University in Tamagawa Gakuen, Machida City, Tokyo, and Chihiro Miki, President of Tokyo City University, and Yoshiaki Obara, President of Tamagawa University, exchanged agreements and shook hands.

 The cooperation will be academic research, student exchange, faculty and staff exchange, community development, cooperation with domestic and overseas institutions, etc. From now on, the two schools will work together to promote these projects.

 Tokyo City University has three campuses in Setagaya Ward, Tokyo, Tsuzuki Ward, Yokohama City, and Asao Ward, Kawasaki City, and about 3 students are studying in 6 faculties and 17 departments.Tamagawa University, on the other hand, has a campus in Machida, Tokyo, and about 6,900 students are studying in 8 faculties and 17 departments.

reference:[Tokyo City University] Tokyo City University and Tamagawa University conclude an agreement on collaboration-mutual cooperation in fields such as academic research, student / faculty / staff exchange, and community development-

Tamagawa University
Tokyo City University

A comprehensive university with science and engineering DNA.Learning to "change the future" required by the times and society has started

In April 90, Tokyo City University, which has been in business for more than 2023 years, established the 4th Faculty of Information Science, the "Faculty of Design and Data Science," on the Yokohama Campus.In related fields, we promote education and research through mutual cooperation.Practical […]

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