The Japan Science and Technology Agency has selected the winners of the 2023 "STI for SDGs" award, which recognizes projects that solve social issues and contribute to the achievement of sustainable development goals, and Keio University was awarded the top prize by the Minister of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology. The company selected OUI Inc., a startup company based in Japan.The award ceremony was held on November 11th at the Telecom Center Building in Ome, Koto-ku, Tokyo.

 According to the Japan Science and Technology Agency, OUI Inc. was founded by a practicing ophthalmologist and has a mission to reduce global blindness by 50% and protect eye health.Invented the eye medical device SEC, which attaches to a smartphone and allows ophthalmologists to detect almost any disease by observing the anterior segment of the eye through a camera.

 It is estimated that there are approximately 22 billion people in the world who suffer from some kind of eye disorder.Approximately 4,300 million people are blind.Many of these people live in medically depopulated areas such as rural areas in developing countries where there are no ophthalmologists.It is believed that there are many cases where the disease is worsening even though it could be treated, and SEC will be useful in treating patients in these areas.

 In addition, Toyohashi University of Technology won the Japan Science and Technology Agency Chairman's Award, Toyohashi Biomass Solutions won the ``Realization of a society where no one is left behind'' through a small-scale, low-cost methane fermentation system, and Mirairo won the Excellence Award for ``Digital Disability Notebook''. ``Development and operation of Mirairo ID'', Morisawa's ``UD font development and operation'', Invax Group's ``Don't take it out, don't bring it in, recycle the earth and sand that is there'', Next Generation Award for Educational Materials Development Circle for Schools for the Blind ``Soleil'''s ``Development of audio environment meter ``Taiki-kun'' for use in educational settings at schools for the blind'' was selected.

reference:[Japan Science and Technology Agency] Decision on the XNUMX “STI for SDGs” award winning initiatives (PDF)

Keio University
Toyohashi University of Technology

Aiming to become a world-leading engineering university by fostering highly-skilled engineers and leading human resources

While respecting social diversity and strengthening cooperation with local communities and industry, we aim to become a world-class technical university in practical research and social implementation of technology.The Faculty of Engineering and the Graduate School of Engineering are composed of two pillars: the cutting-edge technology field that supports the core industry and the leading technology field that supports the sustainable development society.Practical teaching […]

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