To raise awareness of the professional university system

 If the number of professional universities and professional junior colleges increases, the name of the professional university system will increase, and I think it will be a plus for the system.For that reason, we are always accepting prior consultations for the establishment of professional universities for the installers, and what is a professional university in the first place?Such consultations are also welcome.

 We also accept explanations and lecture requests for high school teachers at any time, but it seems that consulting with the Ministry of Education seems to be a high hurdle, so we are also accepting consultations. I would like to make more appeal.


Chief of Kondo Professional University


What to expect from a professional university consortium 

 Professional universities are a new system, so I think each university is at the stage of trial and error. In 2020, a professional university consortium was established in which professional universities and junior colleges participated. By all means, share the knowledge gained by each university through the professional university consortium, and promote the education and efforts of each university. I hope you can make it even more fulfilling.

 However, even if the name recognition of each university increases, it does not necessarily mean that the name recognition of the professional university system will increase.We will also cooperate by disseminating information about the professional university system to the outside world, so we hope that the Consortium of Professional Universities will also actively disseminate information.


To students, parents and educators 

I would like students and parents to choose a university not only based on the deviation value, but also on what they want to study at the university and what they want to use it for. We hope that students will be guided to the characteristics of each school's learning so that they can make appropriate career choices.In that sense, professional universities may be one of the leading options.
Professional universities are suitable for students with a challenging spirit.Because a professional university is a university with a new system, there is also an opportunity to be involved in creating the direction of that university.If you are interested, I would like you to study at a professional university.


[Read other series]
-[1st] Start of professional university system and establishment of professional university consortium


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