List of articles on university collaboration

Fukuoka Institute of Technology launches credit-exchange collaborative program with Taiwan's Ming Hsin University of Science and Technology, a leader in semiconductor talent development

 Fukuoka Institute of Technology has partnered with Taiwan's Ming Hsin University to start a collaborative semiconductor education program. Ming Hsin University, which is at the forefront of semiconductor education in the world, […]

"GTI Consortium Symposium 2021" to talk about human resource development through industry-academia-government collaboration will be held online on December 12th 

 GTI Consortium (English name: Globa […], an alliance aiming for global industry-academia-government collaboration centered on Japan and Southeast Asia

Selected 2 projects such as study / employment support project for students with disabilities, Kyoto University, etc.

 The University of Tokyo is involved in the study and employment support promotion project for students with disabilities, which the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology had solicited from universities, junior colleges, and colleges of technology nationwide.

Kansai University and Mukogawa Women's University conclude a memorandum of understanding regarding PCR tests and mutual use of entrance examination venues

 Kansai University and Mukogawa Women's University will cooperate in PCR testing for the new coronavirus and in the event of an emergency disaster such as a large-scale earthquake or pandemic […]

Online seminar on compulsory data science education held on 9/10 IDE University Association

 On September 2021, 9, the Kinki Branch of the IDE University Association announced the 10rd year of Reiwa IDE University Seminar "On the Compulsory Data Science Education-Sentence […]

Shibaura Institute of Technology and Tsuda College collaborate to interact with Kagawa University

 Tsuda College will participate in the exchange program between local and urban universities promoted by Shibaura Institute of Technology and Kagawa University, and on December 2019, 12, Kaori […]

JF Oberlin University and Hiroshima University Conclude a comprehensive cooperation agreement beyond the difference in corporate form

 On January 2020, 1, JF Oberlin University (Machida City, Tokyo) and Hiroshima University (Hiroshima City, Hiroshima Prefecture) exchanged and cooperated with each other in educational and research activities […]

Yamanashi University and Prefectural Yamanashi University establish university alliance Yamanashi

 Yamanashi University and Yamanashi Prefectural University established the general incorporated association "University Alliance Yamanashi".Based on a partnership agreement signed with Yamanashi Prefecture, the region […]

Otemon Gakuin University and Gujarat University in India commemorate the 50th anniversary of student exchange study abroad

 In 2020, Otemon Gakuin University will celebrate its 50th anniversary of studying abroad with Gujarat University in India.Before that milestone, 2019 […]
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