New project article list

Otemon Gakuin University-Benesse Joint Research Searching for a method to visualize "learning and growth"

Otemon Gakuin University Assertive Research Center and Benesse Institute for Education have conducted a follow-up survey of students before and after enrollment to "proceed learning and growth […].

Keio University establishes new international student dormitory in next-generation urban smart city

 Keio University participates in the "Tsunashima SST Council" consisting of Panasonic, Nomura Real Estate Development, etc., and is located in Kohoku Ward, Yokohama City […]

Waseda University and Seibu Lions study "Effects of watching baseball games on the health of the elderly"

 Professor Mitsuru Higuchi of Waseda University School of Sport Sciences and Seibu Lions Co., Ltd. jointly talk about "the effect of watching baseball on the health of the elderly" […]

Kyoto Prefectural University of Medicine and Kyotango City open research base to explore factors of longevity

 Kyoto Prefectural University of Medicine collaborates with Kyotango Municipal Yaei Hospital, which is known to have many elderly people over 100 years old, to study factors such as longevity.

Realization of Sakyo Komatsu's style with artificial intelligence, Future University-Hakodate

 "Sakyo Komatsu Library" (Kobe City), which manages the copyright of science fiction writer Sakyo Komatsu (1931-2011), is a public researcher of artificial intelligence […]

Sugiyama Jogakuen University, Ajinomoto Co., Inc. and industry-academia collaboration project started

 Sugiyama Jogakuen University has started an industry-academia collaboration project between the Department of Nutrition and Dietetics and Ajinomoto Co., Inc.This project is Tokai Eri […]

Kagawa University and Fujitsu use ICT for special needs education

 Kagawa University and Fujitsu (President Tatsuya Tanaka, Tokyo), a comprehensive electronics manufacturer, have a special branch in Kagawa Prefecture with the cooperation of the Kagawa Prefectural Board of Education […]

Held a symposium on the "Children's Mind Project" to solve children's mental problems

 “Every child's program […]” where the educational field and researchers work together to solve children's mental problems such as school refusal, bullying, and sharp children.

Adopted 7 projects including Osaka University for university-initiated new industry creation program

 The Japan Science and Technology Agency is a new program of a university-launched new industry creation program that promotes R & D and business development of university-launched venture companies as one. […]

Aoyama Gakuin University holds a music festival organized by students

 Aoyama Gakuin University Social Collaboration Organization Social Collaboration Research Center (SACRE) is run by Tower Records, NTT DoCoMo, and RecoChoku […]
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