List of articles on heat-not-burn tobacco

Heat-not-burn tobacco use is a risk factor for new coronavirus infection and aggravation

 A research group led by Associate Professor Kazuhisa Asai of Osaka Public University and Takahiro Tabuchi, Assistant Director of the Osaka International Cancer Center, is investigating the novel coronavirus among heat-not-burn tobacco users […]

Tohoku University conducts the world's first fact-finding survey on the rapid increase in passive smoking of heat-not-burn tobacco

 In recent years, the number of passive smoking caused by heat-not-burn tobacco has increased rapidly, and about 10% of the general public is exposed every day, according to Tohoku University Graduate School of Dentistry […]

Heat-not-burn tobacco affects DNA methylation and gene expression, analyzed by Iwate Medical University and others

 Research groups at Iwate Medical University, Keio University, and the National Cancer Center have switched from conventional cigarettes to heat-not-burn tobacco (about two years on average […]].

Heat-not-burn tobacco smoking rate, high among young people and high-income earners Tohoku University survey

 The smoking rate of heat-not-burn tobacco, which continues to spread rapidly, is high among young people and high-income earners, according to Associate Professor Jun Aida of the Graduate School of Dentistry, Tohoku University […]