A research group led by Professor Emiko Noguchi of the University of Tsukuba Medical School has developed and released an app that can easily record the symptoms and medication status of allergic rhinitis.Not only prescription drugs in hospitals but also over-the-counter drugs can be recorded and the information can be shared with doctors.

 According to the University of Tsukuba, the app is "Allergic Rhinitis Record" for iPhone.Patients with allergic rhinitis will answer about their symptoms, other allergic diseases, lifestyle habits, medicines they are using, etc. at the beginning of using the app, and then record the changes in symptoms and the usage status of the medicines.Input is easy, the first questionnaire takes about 15 minutes, and daily recording takes a few minutes.

 The input contents can be graphed and sent as a PDF file by e-mail so that the changes in symptoms can be clearly understood.In addition to being able to share information with doctors and nurses, it also helps to control symptoms by looking back at when things went wrong and what medicines were taken in the past.

 Allergic rhinitis is a national disease that affects about 4% of the population, and its medical economic loss has become a major problem worldwide.However, there are various causative substances such as pollen and dust in the house.In order to proceed with appropriate treatment, there was a need for a tool that could easily record symptoms on a daily basis.

 The research group hopes to collect and analyze allergic rhinitis symptoms and medication status nationwide through this app, which will lead to the proposal of better treatment methods.

reference:[University of Tsukuba] Release of an app that easily records the symptoms and medication status of allergic rhinitis-Aiming to visualize symptoms and propose better treatment methods- (PDF)

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