Shinshu University Article List

Practical learning of government-academia collaboration that leads to the development of human resources for regional revitalization.Shinshu University "ENGINE" Program "Strategy & Research Literacy Seminar" Report

A professional who has been working since 3 in collaboration with Shinshu University, Toyama University, and Kanazawa University for the purpose of developing human resources who can lead regional revitalization […]

Be a “trigger” to transform the region. What are the results of "ENGINE internship"?

In a society with increasing uncertainty, the role required of universities is changing, and the population is declining these days.The challenges surrounding the region are extremely complex […]

+ R aims to build a “causal model” for local employment

 "University-based Regional Revitalization Human Resources Education Program Construction Project (COC + R)" held on February 2022, 2, nationwide in the 13rd year of Reiwa […]

Closeness to companies is a major strength in nurturing problem-solving human resources.

 Workshop 4 "Human Resources Development (also unique to the region [...]" is directly linked to the main theme of this time, "Producing Human Resources."

Exploring the role of "regional zero carbon" for regional creation

 Workshop 2 is Okayama Prefectural University […], which is working on regional zero-carbon with Professor Shinshu University and Professor Mita Nakajima as facilitator.

Reiwa 3rd COC + R National Symposium “Producing” human resources from universities is the key to regional revitalization

 The Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology's "University-based Regional Revitalization Human Resources Education Program Construction Project (COC + R)", the national symposium for the 3rd year of Reiwa, will be held in 2022 […]

The first step in a new assessment that is an indicator of spasticity in stroke patients

 Due to a stroke or the like, the symptoms of spasticity may reduce the voluntaryness of the limbs and interfere with life.Evaluate this spasticity neurophysiologically […]
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