Article list of new species discovery

The second example through Twitter The discovery of a new species of tick is chained from a post by Professor Shimano of Hosei University

 A second new species of tick was discovered from a general user's Twitter post.Professor Tomoyuki Shimano of Hosei University and Tobias-Pu of the joint research team […]

A new species of annelid, found off the coast of Sado, named after "King Ghidorah"

 Professor Toru Miura of the Critical Laboratory, Graduate School of Science, The University of Tokyo, Gettin of Germany […]

Discovery of a new species of jade-colored scolopendridae, the first time in 143 years in Japan

 By the research teams of Hosei University Professor Satoshi Shimano, Tokyo Metropolitan University, National Science Museum, and National Taiwan University, it was the first time in 143 years in Japan […]