Suicidal ideation article list

Tohoku University and other researchers found that menopausal women are more likely to experience suicidal thoughts

 Associate Professor Miharu Nakanishi of Tohoku University, Sarah Sullivan Principal Research Fellow of the University of Bristol, Atsushi Nishida of the Tokyo Metropolitan Institute of Medical Science, Social Health Medicine […]

Crisis intervention manual for students at high risk of suicide, published by Gunma Prefectural Board of Education

 The Gunma Prefectural Board of Education has created a "crisis intervention manual" that summarizes how to deal with students who are at high risk of suicide.Gunma University Graduate School of Medicine […]

13.6% of elementary and junior high school students have moderate depressive symptoms, Hirosaki University survey

 Professor Kazuhiko Nakamura, Graduate School of Medicine, Hirosaki University, Associate Professor Masaki Adachi, Associate Professor Yoshio Takahashi, Specially Appointed Takuya Saito, Hokkaido University Hospital […]