RNA article list

Discovered thermostable RNA that induces immune activation in the decoction of crude drugs Toyama University

 Institute of Natural Medicine University of Toyama, Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences / Japanese-Chinese Pharmaceutical Research Institute, Postdoctoral Fellow Akiko Inushima and Professor Keiichi Koizumi in the field of non-illness

Succeeded in developing artificial RNA that inhibits hair loss signal and suppresses hair loss Chiba Institute of Technology, etc.

 The groups of Chiba Institute of Technology, Advangen Co., Ltd., Health Sciences University of Hokkaido, and Yokohama National University have worked on the factor "FGF5" that induces hair loss […]

The University of Tokyo and others have succeeded in spontaneous evolution of substances in vitro, and co-evolution with parasites is the key to the birth of life.

 Postdoctoral fellow Taro Kobayashi of the French National Center for Scientific Research, Professor Hakuichi Ichihashi of the University of Tokyo, and others are the self of RNA, which is just a collection of substances […]