Asia University is a CO2 with a communication function developed by IoT Bank Co., Ltd. and SB C & S Co., Ltd. supports marketing and introduction to comprehensive preventive measures against infectious diseases of students and faculty members spending time on the university campus. The concentration / temperature / humidity sensor "Mamo Sensor Air" was introduced in all 130 classrooms on the Musashino Campus.

 Since April 2021, Asia University has been conducting high-flex classes using video cameras and single-focus projectors that can be followed, virus coating of desks and chairs, and introduction of robot vacuum cleaners that support sterilization. We have promoted measures against infectious diseases.

 This time, in order to promote further measures against infectious diseases, we have introduced "Mamo Sensor Air", a device that can measure CO130 concentration and temperature and humidity, equipped with LTE etc. as standard equipment in all 2 classrooms on the Musashino Campus.The status of CO2 concentration in each classroom is managed collectively, and when the CO2 concentration rises to the set value, an alert is sent to the e-mail of the management department, and ventilation and air conditioning are adjusted.

 In addition, posters with QR codes will be posted in each classroom so that all students and faculty members can check the CO2 concentration and temperature / humidity of the classroom they are using in real time on their smartphones.

 In the future, we will accumulate long-term historical data such as 30 days and analyze the correlation with the time zone when CO2 concentration is high, the number of people, indoor temperature and humidity, etc.Based on the analysis, we will take more effective infection prevention measures and prepare an environment where students and faculty members can engage in learning, research, and cultural activities safely and securely.

Reference: [Mamo Sensor Air] Asia University, Asia University

Asia University

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Under the school's founding spirit of "self-help and cooperation," we are fostering creative human resources who will take on the challenges of diverse dreams and leap into the future of Asia.We offer a wide variety of opportunities for study abroad and international exchange, centering on a wide range of education and deeply specialized subject groups.You can choose a program according to your purpose and wishes, and acquire language skills and an international sensibility.again[…]

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