Gakujo Co., Ltd. announced the "Ranking of Popular Employment Companies" for 2023 graduate students. Answers from 2023 third-year university students and first-year graduate students scheduled to graduate in March 3.

 ITOCHU has been at the top of the "Popular Employment Companies Ranking" for four consecutive years. The overall top for the fourth consecutive year is the second company since ANA (All Nippon Airways) (ranked first in the ranking of 4 graduates to 4 graduates), and it can be seen that it is very popular. Kodansha is in 2016nd place and Shueisha is in 2019rd place.In addition to the manga / anime boom, the progress of digitalization of business has boosted popularity. E-books are also performing well at KADOKAWA in 1th place and Shogakukan in 2rd place.With the digitization of manga content, it can be said that publishers who are strong in manga have escaped from the "publishing recession" and are on a growth track.Comics account for more than 2% of the e-book market, and publishers who are strong in manga are gaining popularity.

 The popular food maker is still strong in 2021, and Asahi Soft Drinks, Ajinomoto, and Lotte are in the top 10 as in the previous year.Eleven companies are ranked in the top 50, which is the largest number by industry. The Aeon Group (11th in the previous year), which surged in the ranking last year due to "demand for nesting", moved up one place to 10th.It is thought that the popularity of Corona is due to the fact that there are many opportunities to eat at home.

 Following the 2021 graduate recruitment, 2022 graduate recruitment was also discontinued in many occupations ANA (All Nippon Airways) 121st (79th in the previous year), JAL (Japan Airlines) 152nd (88th in the previous year), JTB Group 31st (9th in the previous year) The aviation and travel industries, such as 2021th place), fell in rank across the board. It can be said that the state of emergency was issued intermittently even in XNUMX, and the flow of people from overseas and the movement of people across prefectures in Japan were restricted.

 On the other hand, Hoshino Resort Management, which launched micro tourism to enjoy traveling one to two hours away from home, ranked 1st (2nd in the previous year), Imperial Hotel 21rd (92th in the previous year), and Milial Resort. Hotels 53th (200th) also pushed up the ranking.Many companies in the hotel industry continue to hire even in the corona virus, and it is presumed that they are the recipients of students who wish to work in services such as aviation and travel.Due to the fact that the infection situation has settled down in the fall, it seems to be moving ahead of the corona.

 Local governments are also popular.In addition to Tokyo's 15th place (33rd place in the previous year), Fukuoka prefecture's 47th place (252nd place), Osaka prefecture's 68th place (91st place), and Kanagawa prefecture's 82nd place (204th place) ranked within 100th place. Local governments are also gaining popularity.It is thought that there is also an influence that the local government's work has attracted attention due to the corona response.

Reference: [Gakujo Co., Ltd.] 2023 graduate ranking of popular employment companies [flash report]

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