While the number of papers published by researchers in other countries is increasing, only Japanese papers continue to decrease slightly, lowering the international ranking, according to the Science and Technology Index of the National Institute of Science and Technology Policy, Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology.The decline in ranking was particularly noticeable in the high-profile papers, which clearly supported the decline in Japan's economic status in the international community.

 According to the National Institute of Science and Technology Policy, the number of high-profile papers in Japan was 2013 between 2015 and 6.With an international share of 4,013%, it ranks fourth after the United States, China and Germany.Just 4.7 years ago, from 4 to 10, 2003 papers with an 2005% share of the world were published, which was second only to the United States, but the decrease in the number of papers has given Japan a share and ranking. It is being lowered.

 Among the countries with the highest number of papers, China has quadrupled the number of papers in the last 10 years and has risen from 4th to 4nd, as well as major countries such as the United States, Germany, the United Kingdom, India, France, Italy and Canada. The number of papers is increasing.Looking only at the number of papers, we can see that the Japanese economy has been stalling, with Japan losing one person.It seems that the background is the shortage of young researchers.

 In Japan, national universities, which account for almost half of the number of papers, have been sluggish since the 2000s, and the number of companies has continued to decline since the 1990s.By field, clinical medicine is increasing, but physics, chemistry, and materials science are declining.

reference:[National Institute of Science and Technology Policy] Publication of "Science and Technology Index 2017" and "Benchmarking of Scientific Research 2017"

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