A group of the Osaka University Graduate School of Medicine Advanced Interdisciplinary Medicine Collaborative Research Laboratory has extended the survival period of advanced cancer patients by continuing a new ketogenic diet for cancer patients developed by the university for 12 months or longer. He said it could be improved dramatically.

 A ketogenic diet is a low-carbohydrate, high-fat diet that makes it easier for the body to produce ketone bodies.Ketone bodies are substances originally produced in the liver as an energy source during starvation, but in recent years, various physiological effects such as anti-inflammatory effects have been clarified and have attracted attention.

 In 2013, our group started clinical research on a new ketogenic diet for cancer patients, expecting that the ketogenic diet could be an effective supportive therapy for cancer patients.The subjects were patients with advanced cancer in clinical stage IV, and although promising clinical effects have already been reported in 2020, they were observed and analyzed for an additional 3 years in order to clarify the effects of long-term continuation.


 Inverse probability weighting using propensity scores was also performed to align the background factors of both groups, and the survival rate was significantly improved in the ketogenic diet group for 12 months or more compared to the group for less than 12 months. .

 Taken together, it is clear that a long-term ketogenic diet has a dramatic effect on the survival of patients with advanced cancer.In the future, we aim to create an environment where many cancer patients can implement the ketogenic diet and further contribute to society as a whole.The results of this study give hope to many patients with advanced cancer.

Paper information:[Nutrients] Long-Term Effects of a Ketogenic Diet for Cancer

Osaka University

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