Japan is known as a country with a low proportion of science girls in all the countries of the world, but the fact that parents with lower awareness of gender equality are more negative about girls going on to science is the Kavli Institute for International Studies, University of Tokyo. It was found in a research group led by Professor Hiromi Yokoyama of the Collaborative Space Research Organization.It was also revealed that some parents have a negative image in specific fields such as nuclear engineering, civil engineering, and animal husbandry in science.
The research group consisted of members from the University of Tokyo, Shiga University, Nagoya University, and the National Institute for Research Advancement.We asked 1,236 parents with children of college graduates and above to measure their attitudes toward gender equality and gender roles, and to what extent they would agree if girls wanted to go on to a specialized field.
According to it, parents who have a strong sense of gender equality and who do not emphasize gender roles are more likely to agree with any field that girls want to go to, and parents who emphasize gender roles have a negative view. It turns out that it tends to show.
Approximately 40% of parents answered that they "agree if they wish" in any field, but "not suitable for women" in general engineering and "heavy labor" in veterinary medicine, animal husbandry, and nursing. , There were voices denying pharmacy, medicine, and dentistry as "high school expenses."Negative voices were particularly strong in the three fields of nuclear engineering, civil engineering, and animal husbandry.