From October 2021, the Tsukuba City Board of Education, Tatsuya Hotta Laboratory at the Graduate School of Information Science and Technology, Tohoku University, Tokyo Book Co., Ltd., and Lentrance Co., Ltd. will develop learner terminals and learner digital textbooks based on the GIGA School Concept. In response to the spread of digital textbooks, we have conducted empirical research aimed at improving teaching by utilizing learning history obtained from digital textbooks for learners and using it for evaluation.This time, we have released a report on the results of 10.

 実証研究では、つくば市立小学校7校、中学校5校(※義務教育学校含む)を対象に学習者用デジタル教科書の使用が児童生徒の学習に与える影響を検証し、学習履歴データの活用による学習行動の可視化を行った。実施した教科は小学校の国語(1~6年) 社会(4~6年) 保健(3~6年)、中学校の英語(1~3年) 技術・家庭(技術分野)で、このうち小学校社会4年と中学校英語1年について詳細な調査を実施した。

 First, according to a survey conducted in the 1st year of junior high school English, immediately after the start of using digital textbooks for learners (October) and 10 months after the start of use (February), English proficiency surveys (Reading, Listening) scored 4 in all indicators. The result of the first time was higher than the first time.However, since there are various factors behind the increase in scores, it cannot be concluded that it is the effect of using digital textbooks for learners.

 According to the results of a questionnaire survey on English learning that was conducted at the same time, there were no major changes in items such as "English learning methods (learning strategies)" and "textbook views" before and after, but "English learning methods (learning strategy)”, the percentage of positive responses (percentage of “very applicable” + “somewhat applicable”) to “practice English pronunciation” increased.

 According to the questionnaire conducted after class, the use of digital textbooks for learners increased immediately after the start of use and after 4 months, especially in items such as "practice pronunciation of words" and "practice reading textbook text aloud". At the same time, the number of respondents who answered "no" decreased, indicating that the introduction of digital textbooks for learners has increased awareness of practicing pronunciation and reading aloud.On the other hand, there were no major changes in items such as “looking at various pages of the textbook” and “writing and copying the textbook text in a notebook”. I was able to see the state of using properly.

 Examining the learning history data, it was confirmed that both the number of operations and the number of users increased after the workshop held by the Board of Education.In order to promote the use of digital textbooks for learners, it is important not only to introduce them, but also to publicize how to use them through workshops, etc.From the learning history by date and time, junior high school English is used to a certain extent even after school, and English textbooks are also used for home study (preparation, review, homework, etc.) It can be seen that it is also used for learning.

 Looking at the heat map showing which parts of the textbook were used, there are many illustrations and columns in the 5th grade social history volume, and there are many main texts in the 6th grade social history volume. became clear.It also became clear that in junior high school English, the enlarged display of the main text is used more often than the playback content of the reading voice.

 In the future, based on the data we have acquired so far, we will compare the actual usage situations and the teaching methods and approaches of teachers, and make a clear distinction between meaningful and non-meaningful operations in terms of learning, and clarify learner behavior patterns. We will proceed with research on methods such as typification to clarify the state of learning and the characteristics of learners from learning history data.New findings from the analysis results will be published as academic research, mainly by the Hotta Laboratory at Tohoku University.

Reference: [Tokyo Shoseki Co., Ltd.] Tokyo Shoseki has released a 2021 report on joint empirical research for the utilization of learning history data of "cloud version digital textbooks" (PDF)

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