Article list of topics

University students scheduled to graduate in 2021, employment is expected to be "tough" more than 7%

 Disco Corporation intends to participate in an internship for third-year university students and first-year master's students nationwide who are scheduled to graduate in March 2021 […]

The president of the Japan Association of National Universities announces comments on constant financial and institutional support

 The Japan Association of National Universities does not make a uniform reform of the national university reform policy set by the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology with a view to reducing the 18-year-old population, but finances and systems […]

Open campus, 4% of high school students participate in more than 5 schools

 In order to clarify the current status of career choices for high school students, Recruit Advancement Research Institute will select career paths for men and women who graduated from high school in 2019 […].

Kanazawa University investigates the revival of the domestic black tea industry by green tea farmers

 Associate Professor Daisuke Kanema of the Department of Economics and Business Administration, Research Area for Human and Social Sciences, Kanazawa University, et al.

University admission policy, 85% of high school students "cognition" and "want to know" 14%

 In order to clarify the current state of career choices among high school students, Recruit Advancement Research Institute conducted a survey targeting men and women who graduated from high school in 2019 […]

8% of university entrance examination reforms are worried about 7%, Kawaijuku's attitude survey

 Before the university entrance examination reform that will start in 2020, 8% of junior high school and high school students and their parents who will take the examination will be aware of the entrance examination reform […]

Tokyo University of Science decides reorganization plan, such as establishing a new department in the Faculty of Business Administration

 Tokyo University of Science is planning to reorganize its faculties and departments toward the 2031th anniversary of its founding in 150. From 2020 to 2025 […]

Concluded agreements with overseas universities, about 2016 cases in 3

 The Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology […] shows that the number of exchange agreements that domestic universities have signed with overseas universities has increased to about 2016 in FY3.

High-quality papers, published by some small research institutes at a high rate

 While major research institutes in the United States and China rank high in the world ranking of the number of high-quality papers, some small-scale research institutes are of high quality […].

Nagoya Institute of Technology starts joint doctoral program with German universities from October 2019

 At Nagoya Institute of Technology, from October 2019, with the German University of Erlangen-Nürnberg (FAU) and the Japan-Germany joint doctor program ([…]