List of articles on research results
Kio University investigates local factors that promote social participation in physical activities among frail elderly people living in the community
A research group led by Satoshi Nakakita, a visiting researcher at the Graduate School of Kio University, conducted a survey of elderly people living in the community and found that even within the same municipality, there are differences in the number of people living in different areas.
Yamanashi Prefecture elementary school students' cedar pollen allergy rates are on par with adults, negative impact on daily life: Yamanashi University survey
A research team at the Eco-Child Survey Koshin Unit Center (Yamanashi University) investigated the prevalence of allergic rhinitis (AR) in school-age children.
Hiroshima University selected as a candidate for the THE Award Asia Grand Prize in four categories
Hiroshima University has been selected as a winner of the THE Awards Asia 2025, selected by the British higher education magazine, Times Higher Education (THE).
Appropriate timing of birth maintains postnatal neural stem cells
A research group including Nagoya City University, Kinki University, and the National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology (AIST) has demonstrated that changes in glutamine metabolism that occur at birth affect postnatal neural stem cells […]
Okayama University proves excessive caffeine intake has insecticidal effect
A second-year doctoral student (government-sponsored student) at the Graduate School of Environmental, Life and Natural Sciences, Okayama University, has confirmed that excessive caffeine intake has an insecticidal effect.
Impact of COVID-19 pandemic on inbound tourism demand: Kyushu University analysis
A research group led by Kyushu University's second-year doctoral student Yusuke Ohga and Professor Shigemi Kagawa has been investigating the effects of the COVID-2 pandemic on people visiting Japan.
BMI increases across all age groups of middle-aged and older working adults born after the 1960s Keio University
Professor Emeritus Fuminori Katsukawa, former researcher Naoki Uemura, part-time member Yuki Nishida (affiliated with Tokyo University of Science), and nursing […]
Yokohama City University and Kanagawa University discover that high "psychological capital" leads to positive work attitudes even when goals are difficult
A research group from Yokohama City University and Kanagawa University has examined the relationship between the difficulty of goals set for employees and "work engagement" through the analysis of "psychological resources" […]
Iwate Medical University and others develop ultra-sensitive blood test to accurately diagnose post-operative recurrence of colon cancer
A research group led by Dr. Tomoko Sasaki of Iwate Medical University, in collaboration with researchers from Sapporo Medical University, has been investigating the mechanism by which cancer-derived DNA specific to a patient circulates in the blood.
Adult diseases and smoking shorten healthy lifespan by 10 years: Tokyo University of Science and others reveal from 20-year follow-up study
A research group from Tokyo University of Science, Toho University, and Shiga University of Medical Science has found that the effects of adult diseases such as high blood pressure and smoking on healthy life expectancy (health problems that affect daily life) […]