Active learning takes a new stage

 AL is learning that includes activities such as writing, speaking, and presenting in learning, and externalizes cognitive processes such as perception, memory, language, and thinking.First of all, the challenge is to incorporate the form of writing, speaking, and presenting into a part of learning.

 When this form becomes successful, the next task will be how to evaluate, how to take progress, and how to give the task. Many high schools will want to improve their grades and entrance exams while conducting AL-type lessons, so this is also an issue. There are some high schools all over the country that say that when they put in AL, their grades fell, their achievements in passing entrance exams fell, and that they quit AL, but I think it was a complete fall.If you say that you are educating to enter a good university, I think that school should be a prep school.In high school, you should educate students who can study hard after going on to university, work hard after going out to society, and lead a meaningful social life.Grades and test results will be asked afterwards. Even if you go to a good university without fully developing the power you seek in AL, the student will not be able to study at the university.It is highly likely that employment will be difficult, and even if you can get a job, it is doubtful that you will be able to collaborate well with your colleagues at work.In anticipation of that, we must understand well that the social function of school education is being reviewed.

 Toin Gakuen, an advisor, has recently established a new promotion issue, Utilization II, as a way to give issues.The "utilization" in the learning process set out in the current course of study of acquisition, utilization, and inquiry is divided into utilization from acquisition and development problems that are more than inquiry but fit within one subject, and the latter is used as utilization II. increase.I will connect it to (XNUMX) exploratory learning within the subject on the premise of learning and utilization, (XNUMX) learning that develops (more advanced) thinking and judgment, and (XNUMX) (as much as possible) the real world (real world / real life). We have teachers from all subjects work on it, characterizing it as learning that includes learning, ④ (as much as possible) problem-solving, and inquiring elements.Utilization is equivalent to the conventional exercises that help learning, but Utilization II is similar to Problem B of the National Academic Achievement Survey, and is a problem that leads to the real world or develops problem-solving and inquiry skills.The ingenuity, ingenuity, and competence of the teachers of each subject are more important than ever.

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Kyoto University

Foster a free academic style based on the spirit of "self-respect for self-weight" and open up a world of creative learning.

With the motto of self-study, we will continue to maintain a free academic style that is not bound by common sense, and develop human resources who have both creativity and practical ability.We provide an inclusive learning space that allows for diverse and hierarchical choices so that students themselves can choose a solid future through valuable trial and error. […]

University Journal Editorial Department

A tabloid that delivers university information to high schools, preparatory schools, and cram schools is published five times a year (May, July, September, October, and December).The latest issue and back numberplease use this form.から