Professor Kazuo Nishimura has warned that not only leisure education but also science and mathematics education is being neglected in surveys such as "University students who cannot do fractions" (* 2030) and "Mathematics examinees have high lifetime income". ..Now that literacy about AI and data science is required for liberal arts, "It is welcome, but it is not good to be biased to either side," said S-Stem TEAM education, which took S-Stem TEM education one step further. It will be noticed.On the other hand, Professor Atsuo Sugimoto was warned about the transformation of the society surrounding children in "Children who can't do" Kakurenbo "" (* XNUMX), and focused on the educational effects of play and sports, drawn by OECD Education XNUMX. We have high expectations for the future of education.We asked them to talk about the possibilities of STEAM education.

Professor Atsuo Sugimoto: When I thought about the title of "Hide and Seek ...", I am very grateful for the inspiration from "Fractions ...".
Kazuo Nishimura: Was that so (laughs)?



Is A of STEAM A of AI?

杉 本: Beside the researchers, I've been involved with children for many years as an educational practice, but recently I'm not only interested in "I can't play hide-and-seek" but also "Tell me what you shouldn't do" on the first day of the camp. There are many children who talk to me.

(I.e.: Apart from parents, you don't think "you can do things you can't do at home or at school!"

杉 本: You can't adventure, you can't decide anything in the first place.

(I.e.: It can be said that self-determination is not growing.What is the cause?

杉 本: For one thing, I think it's important that you haven't been taught that there is more than one correct answer on a daily basis.

(I.e.: There is a UN research report that Japan has "less freedom of choice in life", but self-selection is indispensable for growing up and living a happy life.So recently, in collaboration with Professor Tadashi Yagi of Doshisha University, I investigated whether self-determination affects happiness.【Note 1】..Then, self-determination is 8.7 times more influential than educational background and 1.4 times more influential than annual income.In addition, it is most efficient to decide for yourself whether it is sports, nursing care, rehabilitation, or studying.Of course, not everyone has to be able to decide for themselves.

杉 本: Well-being around you that doesn't leave the judgment to others and doesn't lie not only to others but also to yourself【Note 2】We also use the term self-discipline to distinguish it from independence.This is important for sports that respect self-reporting and self-judgment.For golf born in England and curling born in Scotland, if you foul, you will declare yourself.

(I.e.: By the way, the background to the advocacy of STEAM education is the rapid development of information and communication technology symbolized by the development of AI, and the urgent need to develop the qualities required by Society 5.0 in Japan. Creativity as well as autonomy may be required more than ever.At one point, the word singularity【Note 3】Has become a hot topic, but the evolution of the digital society does not make all humankind happy. There are also crises such as the division between those who use AI and those who use AI, and the widening of income disparities.

杉 本: Autonomy is first necessary to become a human being who is not used by machines.

(I.e.: The user is required to have a strong sense of ethics. Do not use AI or robots in war, or threaten the dignity of life with biotechnology. If you interpret STEAM's "A" as liberal arts [commentary], STEAM education is exactly the education to judge things by yourself, decide your own way of life, and free yourself from subordination to something. It also cultivates ethics.Naturally, it also includes the ability to collaborate with others and the development of the spirit of altruism.

Our survey of "basic morals and social success" shows that such education is also important from the perspective of well-being, such as social success or living a happy life.【Note 4】It has become clear in.The four basic morals clarified here are "do not lie," "follow the rules," "be kind to people," and "study (work)."It was later discovered that this was also said by the philosopher Kant.It is also well known that the creator of economics, Adam Smith, wrote about "selfishness" as a motivation for economic behavior, but in another book, his behavior was assumed. It also states that only those that can be approved from the perspective of a third party are allowed.In other words, selfishness without altruism does not last long, and it can be interpreted that it is better for you to keep basic morals.

杉 本: It is important to foster resilience in order to live in a society that is said to be unpredictable in the future, but it also leads to that.【Note 5】.

[Note 4] Kazuo Nishimura and Tadashi Yagi “Happiness and Self-Determination – AnEmpirical Study in Japan”, Review of BehavioralEconomics: No. 385, pp 419,2019-XNUMX, XNUMX

[Note XNUMX] Well-being: From the meaning of a good way to the meaning of health (WHO) and happiness, it continues to the present day. It is also listed in item XNUMX of the SDGs.

[Note XNUMX] Singularity; a technological singularity.Temporary by Dr. Ray Kurzweil, an American inventor and world authority on artificial intelligence research.The point at which artificial intelligence (AI) exceeds human capabilities, which can make a big difference in human life.

[Note 6] Kazuo Nishimura, Junichi Hirata, Junko Urasaka, Tadashi Yagi "Basic Morals and Social Success" Quality Education 2014, XNUMX

[Note 2016] Resilience child nurtured by "group play experience" in childhood-Overcoming unreasonableness ("Children's Psychology" January 1 issue), Professor Sugimoto said, "Unreasonableness of self-protection and self-sacrifice. Resilience grows through the experience of taking on the risk of failure to overcome it. "" Now, the world of children is full of unreasonable things. They break or give up quickly. I hope that the children who play will experience group play and grow up to be resilient children. "By the way, resilience means "resilience" and "elasticity". A person described as "resilience" can quickly recover from difficult problems, crisis situations, stress, and other factors.


next pageA of STEAM is A of Arts, A of play?

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