Nobel Prize article list

High school students hold a symposium with top scientists including Nobel laureates at Tokyo Institute of Technology

 Symposium "Molecular […] by high school students and top scientists from October 2017 to 10, 21 at Tokyo Institute of Technology

Humboldt Prize for Professor Shuji Saito of Tokyo Institute of Technology

 Is Professor Shuji Saito of the Department of Mathematics, Tokyo Institute of Technology the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation, an international academic activity organization of the German government? […]

Nobel Prize candidate Professor Miyasaka of Toin University of Yokohama, US academic company forecast

 Clarivate Analytics (Headquarters, Philadelphia, USA), a global academic information company, is known as a preliminary prediction of the Nobel Prize 2 […]

Associate Professor Kazunori Yoshizawa of Hokkaido University School of Agriculture received the Ig Nobel Prize

 The "Ig Nobel Prize" for achievements that made people laugh and think was announced at Harvard University on September 9, EST, North Sea […]

Professor Hideo Hosono of Tokyo Institute of Technology elected as a foreign member of the Royal Society of England

 Professor Hideo Hosono (Director, Element Strategy Research Center), Frontier Materials Research Institute, Tokyo Institute of Technology, dated May 2017, 5 […]

Professor Kajita of the Nobel Prize in Physics and others as the first professor of excellence at the University of Tokyo

 The University of Tokyo is a Nobel Laureate in Physics and Director of the Institute for Cosmic Ray Research, saying that it has made outstanding achievements in specialized fields and is playing a leading role. […]

"Masatoshi Koshiba Science Education Award" Finally, the Faculty of Science of Osaka Prefecture won the award

 The "Heisei Basic Science Foundation" chaired by Masatoshi Koshiba, a special honorary professor at the University of Tokyo, who is the recipient of the Nobel Prize in Physics, is March 2017, 3 […]

Tokyo Institute of Technology Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine Established Memorial Fund for Professor Osumi

 At Tokyo Institute of Technology, Professor Yoshinori Ohsumi received the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine, and the development and foundation of excellent human resources who will support Japan in the future […]

Nobel Prize-winning Professor Emeritus Osumi's class Rebroadcast at The Open University of Japan

 The Open University of Japan held a class taught by Professor Yoshinori Ohsumi of Tokyo Institute of Technology, who won the 2016 Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine, in December 2016 […]

Achieving 1% of government R & D investment as a percentage of GDP for academic development

 Katsuhiko Sato, Chairman of the Academic Subcommittee of the Science and Technology Council, invested in government R & D for the sustainable development of academic research and the creation of outstanding results […].