Article list of junior high school students

Students run a summer school with foreign volunteers Meisei University

 Meisei University (Hino City, Tokyo) In the Department of International Communication, students and foreign volunteers cooperate during the summer vacation for a week, and elementary and junior high schools in the neighborhood […]

Shizuoka University jointly develops "information moral diagnosis service" for elementary and junior high school teachers

 Shizuoka University has Kaspersky Lab Co., Ltd., which provides information security solutions, and "Information Moral Diagnosis Service […]" for teachers of elementary and junior high schools.

Nippon Institute of Technology holds a small-group science school for junior and senior high school students

 Nippon Institute of Technology, Department of Manufacturing Environment and Department of Creative Systems Engineering, has a small number of people who can experience experiments on chemistry, environment, and biotechnology for junior and senior high school students […]

Internship for junior high school students and above set in the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology

 The Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology will hold a spring internship at the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology from February to March 2016.Junior high school students and above, students are outside the Ministry of Education […]

The University of Tokyo holds an event to experience cutting-edge engineering research for female junior and senior high school students

 At the University of Tokyo, an event "Higashi […]" for female junior and senior high school students to learn about cutting-edge engineering research from female researchers at the Institute of Industrial Science, the University of Tokyo.

University admission briefing session 8.29 held where you can study space

 A joint study briefing session for high school students, junior high school students, etc. who are thinking about going to a university where they can learn about space and astronomical science in the future.

Communication with Astronaut Yui of ISS from Tokyo Keizai University

 On August 2015, 8, at the venue of Tokyo Keizai University (Kokubunji City), the International Space Station (ISS) * Kimiya Yui Space Flight […]

Let's take it as a parent and child Junior smartphone test

Kaspersky Lab Co., Ltd., which provides information security solutions, distributes "Junior Smartphone Test" for free, which was jointly developed with Shizuoka University […]
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