Biology article list

Kyoto University Identifies Enzyme Only Termite Kings and Queens Have

 A research group led by Takao Konishi, a Ph.D.

Deep-sea beetles provide six years' worth of energy in one meal

 Associate Professor Mitsuharu Yagi of the Faculty of Fisheries, Nagasaki University and Nagasaki University have found that a single meal of the giant beetle, which lives in the deep sea, can consume six years' worth of energy […]

Stag beetles carry various yeasts in their pockets, discovered by Nagoya University

 A research group led by former graduate student Daichi Yamamoto of Nagoya University and lecturer Wataru Toki […]

Giant and small mammals endemic to islands are at high risk of extinction The University of Tokyo

 It is known that the animals introduced to the island undergo a unique evolutionary process, to the extent that the island is called an "evolutionary laboratory." This is called "islandization." […]

Discovered by Chubu University and Keio University

 Heike fireflies, which live in Japan, the Korean Peninsula, and northern China, communicate by blinking at the millisecond level when they emit light.

why red?Elucidation of the survival strategy of bright red mites living on concrete walls in early spring

 A research group from Hosei University and Kyoto University has elucidated the reason for the bright red body color of the wall mite found on concrete walls in early spring.

World's first identification of plant carbon dioxide sensor, Nagoya University, etc.

 Project Associate Professor Yohei Takahashi of Nagoya University and Professor Julian Schroeder of the University of California, San Diego […]

Keio University Selected as a World Top Level Research Center for the First Time at a Private University

 Keio University has been selected for the 2022 World Premier International Research Center Initiative by the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology.World Premier Research Center Program […]

"Kamen Rider BLACK SUN", Assistant Professor Sugahara of Hirosaki University for production cooperation

 "Kamen Rider BLACK SUN", produced in collaboration with Assistant Professor Ryohei Sugahara of the Faculty of Agriculture and Life Sciences, Hirosaki University, will be distributed on Amazon Prime Video.

Following the evolution of bitterness sensation from analysis of egg-laying mammals, platypus and short-beaked echidna

 International collaborative research teams such as Hokkaido University, Meiji University, Kyoto University, Adelaide University, Australian National University, and Copenhagen University […]
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