List of articles by the National University Co-op Association

National University Co-op Survey on Lifestyles of Graduate Students

 From October to November 2022, the National Federation of University Co-operative Associations (National University Co-operative Federation) will start master's programs […]

Parents surveyed by the National Federation of University Co-operative Associations on the total cost from the 2022 exam to admission

 The cost of taking the university entrance examination for 2022 and entering the university was 137 to 324 million yen, according to the National Federation of University Co-operative Associations […]

Examination-admission of Corona Sickness, 2021 New Student Parents Surveyed by National University Cooperatives

 The National University Co-op Association (National University Co-op Federation) has been targeting parents of new students from April to May every year since 2007.

2 respondents National University Cooperatives' "New Student Survey Asking Parents", trends in 2020

 The National University Co-op Association (National University Co-op Federation) has been targeting parents of new students every April and May since 2007, "Ask parents [...]