Information I article list

StudySapuri will add three new contents to “Information I” from April

 From April 2024, the online learning service “StudySapuri” provided by Recruit Co., Ltd. will introduce a new con- […]

What is the future of information education created by the common test “Information I”?

On November 2022, 11, the University Entrance Examination Center released the prototype question ``Information I'' of the University Admission Common Test (hereinafter referred to as the "Common Test").At the time, I […]

More than XNUMX% of teachers are worried about the establishment of the common test "Information I" Everyone's code is a survey

 Minna no Code, a specified non-profit corporation that promotes technology education dissemination activities nationwide, is Google, Salesforce […]

First "University Entrance Common Test 'Information I' Experience Mock Test", Struggling with Programming Problems Toshin High School

 Nagase Co., Ltd., which operates Toshin High School and Toshin Satellite Preparatory School, announced on February 2023, 2 (Sunday) that the “common university entrance […]

Notification of abandonment of introduction of common university entrance exams, private English exams, and written questions

 The Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology has issued a notice to each university to abandon the introduction of English private exams and descriptive questions into the common test for university admissions after 2025.Knowledge […]

Benesse Holds Online Seminar for High School Teachers on "Information I" from 2022

 Benesse Corporation will hold an online seminar for high school teachers on July 2021st and 7th, 1 "New Course Subject" Information "[...]