Article list of treatment methods

Successful sperm production for XNUMX months or more from cultured mouse testes at Yokohama City University

 Professor Takehiko Ogawa, Graduate School of Biomedical Sciences, Yokohama City University, Professor Shosuke Yao, Graduate School of Medicine, and Dr. Nobu Kometani, a graduate student, are the spirits of mice […]

Visualization of hematopoietic stem cells in bone marrow Expectations for the development of safe treatments for blood diseases The University of Tokyo and others

 Assistant Professor Satoshi Yamazaki, Professor Hiromitsu Nakauchi (concurrently at Stanford University) of the Institute of Medical Science, University of Tokyo and James Y. Ch of Stanford University […]

Identified optical risk genotype for schizophrenia medication Fujita Health University and others

 Professor Nakao Iwata of the Department of Psychiatry and Neuroscience, Fujita Health University, Associate Professor Ryota Hashimoto of the United Graduate School of Child Development, Osaka University, Yasumasa Kabata of the Institute of Physical and Chemical Research […]

Reproduced with voice tic disorder, model animals such as University of Tsukuba

 A research team consisting of multiple research institutes in Japan and South Korea, including the National Institute of Radiological Sciences and the University of Tsukuba, decided to create monkeys with symptoms of Tourette's disorder […]

University of Tsukuba Succeeded in developing γ-tubulin-specific inhibitor

 The group of Associate Professor Kenro Usui of the University of Tsukuba, Department of Life and Environmental Sciences, has opposed γ-tubulin, which promotes the nucleation of microtubules that play an important role in cell division […].

Successful clinical trial of Keio University reprogramming therapy

 A group of Professor Mototsugu Oie and Takeo Kosaka, a full-time lecturer at Keio University School of Medicine, said that anticancer drugs would not work for patients with advanced prostate cancer […].

Okayama University Parkinson's disease and protein denaturation

 Professor Takashi Uehara of Okayama University et al. Denature the protein that acts as a sensor in the cell by nitric oxide (NO) produced in large quantities […]

RIKEN, Osaka City University, etc. Reveal brain activity of children with chronic fatigue

 Research groups at RIKEN, Osaka City University, Kumamoto University, Hyogo University of Teacher Education, and National Institute for Physiological Sciences have shown brain activity in chronic fatigue (CCFS) in children […]

Kyoto University To prevent liver cirrhosis Discover cells that control liver inflammation

A group of Associate Professor Tomoko Fujita and Professor Shu Narumiya of Kyoto University is involved in the inflammation seen in hepatitis in which hepatic stellate cells present in the liver at a rate of 5% […].

The University of Tokyo "Fibers deposit in the lungs" Identify the causative cells

 Professor Koji Matsushima of the University of Tokyo and others have identified the origin of the cells that cause pulmonary fibrosis.Pulmonary fibrosis is the deposition of fibers that make the entire lung stiff […]
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