When caring for a cancer patient at home, I often feel the burden of time factors such as not being able to take enough time for myself, and the fact that the generation that cares for parents while working is getting wrinkled is that Tokyo Medical and Dental University It was found in the research of Naoko Otsuki, a specially appointed lecturer at the Graduate School of Health Sciences, Dental University, and Ryohei Yamamoto, an associate professor at the Osaka University Campus Life Health Support Center.

 According to Osaka University, the research group conducted a questionnaire survey of 2014 caregivers of cancer patients who died from home hospice and palliative care from 2018 to 342, which is time-consuming and economical for caregivers. We asked them which of the burdens, psychological burdens, and physical burdens they felt the most.

 As a result, it was found that the time burden such as "I can't take my time for long-term care" and "I can't go out freely" is the most difficult.It was also found that the care needs of patients are moderate, and caregivers tend to feel heavy burden when they are under 55 years old.

 The long-term care insurance system in Japan provides more services to patients who require a high degree of care.The research group believes that the generation that cares for parents while working does not have sufficient support, and the burden is looming.

 By 2025, the baby boomer generation will reach the late-stage elderly, and it is expected that the number of home care recipients who need long-term care will increase further.The research group points out that it is necessary to create a mechanism to support the increasing number of long-term care recipients and long-term caregivers in society as a whole.

Paper information:[Supportive Care in Cancer] Care needs level in long-term care insurance system and family caregivers' self-perceived time-dependent burden in patients with home palliative care for cancer: a cross-sectional study

Osaka University

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Tokyo Medical and Dental University

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