The Japan Student Services Organization conducted interview surveys with 10 schools, including Otemon Gakuin University and Seikei University, which are practicing reference initiatives for other schools regarding support for students under the spread of the new coronavirus infection, and compiled a field survey report.

 According to the Japan Student Support Organization, we surveyed Tohoku University for student support in general, Pursuitmon Gakuin University for career education and employment support, Kansai Gakuin University, Rikkyo University, Toyohashi University of Technology, Hitotsubashi University for student dormitories, and Ritsumeikan Asia Pacific. University, peer support (support by people in similar positions) at Naruki University, student counseling at Narumi University, Tokyo University.A member of the Research Collaborators' Meeting interviewed online.

 Of these, Otemon Gakuin University has developed an online industry-academia collaborative internship program, is developing a unique internship such as an attractive discovery project in Unnan City, Shimane Prefecture, and overseas expansion of existing apps completely online.

 At Hitotsubashi University, a student organization is involved in dormitory management at the Hitotsubashi dormitory, which is an international student dormitory on the Kodaira International Campus. Is practicing.

 Seikei University has set up an online student support center, created a list according to the need for continuous consultation, and responded to consultations while interacting with students via the video conference app and e-mail.

reference:[Japan Student Services Organization] Survey on the status of student support efforts at universities, etc. (Reiwa 3 (2021) field survey report

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