Gakujo Co., Ltd. conducts an online questionnaire for undergraduate and graduate students scheduled to graduate (complete) in March 2024.This time, we investigated "starting salary".3 valid responses.
In order to hire excellent human resources, an increasing number of companies are raising the starting salary of new graduates, or introducing a salary system based on job type and ability rather than a uniform starting salary.Gakujo decided to conduct a survey on how 2024 graduates, who are about to start job hunting, perceive the "starting salary".
According to a survey, 76.1% of students answered that starting salary is "not the top priority, but important" when it comes to finding a job. Combining the 10.9% who put the most importance on it, we can see that about 9% of students place importance on the starting salary.On the other hand, only 7.0% answered that they “do not place importance on it” or “do not place much importance on it”. "Prices continue to rise, so I want to focus on how much I can get as a starting salary." In order to grow as a member of society, I think the amount of starting salary is also important."
Regarding companies with high starting salaries, 83.7% of the students answered that they would "become more aspiring" or "become a little more aspiring." "I think companies with high starting salaries have opportunities for young people to play an active role." Many students have a positive impression of companies with high starting salaries. .
In response to the question, "What do you think is an appropriate starting salary?", 20% of the students answered "24 to 58.5 yen per month" Combining the 25% with a monthly income of between 29 yen and 28.8 yen, close to 9% of students think that the appropriate starting salary is in the 20 yen range. ``I think there are many companies in the 20 yen range.'' ``I think the amount is appropriate for a single person.'' I think around 1 yen is reasonable," said one.