As part of the "Industry-Academia-Finance Collaboration Program" that Showa University signed with Jonan Shinkin Bank, Eiji Miyake, a lecturer at the Faculty of Health Sciences, and Ogawa Yuuki Seisakusho Co., Ltd. jointly developed a guide device to improve the accuracy of ultrasonic image diagnosis. Start research and development.

 The medical devices and supplies used in medical and nursing care are important and life-threatening to patients, but they do not always meet the needs of medical professionals, and new developments and improvements are required.Therefore, Showa University asked the Jonan Shinkin Bank to introduce small and medium-sized enterprises with excellent technology that could respond to requests for development and improvement of medical equipment, etc., and through joint development between the university and small- and medium-sized enterprises, it was possible to commercialize concrete products. We are implementing the “Industry-Academia-Finance Collaboration Program” to realize this.

 Until now, the evaluation of muscles such as flexibility in the clinical setting of rehabilitation has been limited to qualitative evaluation by palpation, etc., but in recent years, quantitative evaluation using ultrasonic imaging equipment has begun to be introduced.

 This time, in response to Showa University's challenge to develop a guide device to improve the accuracy of ultrasound diagnostic imaging, Jonan Shinkin Bank introduced Ogawa Yuuki Seisakusho, which is engaged in the development of robots.After receiving a proposal for a robot arm-type guide device that utilizes Ogawa Yuuki Seisakusho's strength in robot development technology, it was decided to conduct joint research and development with Ogawa Yuuki Seisakusho.In the future, clinical trials will be conducted at Showa University to promote practical application.

Reference: [Showa University] Collaborating between universities and small and medium-sized enterprises to improve the accuracy of ultrasound diagnostic imaging - Joint research and development has started for practical application 

Showa University

Aiming to become Japan's top medical university

Showa University is a comprehensive medical university consisting of four faculties and five departments: medicine, dentistry, medicine, and health care (nursing and rehabilitation).In addition to acquiring knowledge and skills, we are developing an all-round education that nurtures the humanity necessary for the pursuit of life and cultivates originality.Confronting everything with sincerity, the will of “consistent sincerity”[…]

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