From the 2025 entrance examination, the Tokyo Institute of Technology will introduce a general framework for comprehensive selection of the School of Science and the School of Engineering. From the 2024 entrance examination, we have decided to introduce a female quota for comprehensive selection and school recommendation selection, but we will aim to further promote diversity and secure more diverse human resources.

 According to the Tokyo Institute of Technology, the School of Science will abolish school-recommended selection as of the end of the academic year 2024, and instead establish a general framework for comprehensive selection.The capacity is 8 people, the same as the abolished school recommendation type selection.We have been accepting students who show high ability in science through school recommendation-type selection, but we will continue to accept students without recommendation from the principal without changing the purpose.The entrance examination focuses on the content of the activity report, and examines aptitude and ability to explain in an interview.Simultaneous applications for general and women's categories are not permitted.

 The School of Engineering will set up a new general quota of 17 people for the comprehensive selection.The aim is to accept students who have a strong interest in engineering and outstanding abilities from a variety of experiences, including international experience.In the conventional comprehensive selection, we have accepted excellent students in mechanical, system control, electrical and electronic, information communication, and industrial engineering, but we will abolish this and open the door to a wider range of students.In the entrance examination, applicants' ability to explain mathematics and physics will be evaluated in an interview, and the applicant's motivation for applying will be determined based on the topic of science and mathematics that interests them the most.It is not possible to apply for the general category and the women’s category at the same time.

 Tokyo Institute of Technology is scheduled to be merged with Tokyo Medical and Dental University around the fall of 2024 and reborn as Tokyo University of Science (provisional name).

reference:[Tokyo Institute of Technology] From the 2025 entrance examination, general selection will be introduced for the comprehensive selection of the School of Science and the School of Engineering

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