Ryukoku University, which will celebrate its 2039th anniversary in 400, is promoting a campus brand concept that improves the research environment of the current three campuses and enhances functions and learning as part of the long-term plan "Ryukoku University Basic Concept 400". In 2020, the Faculty of Advanced Science and Engineering will be established on the Seta Campus (Otsu City, Shiga Prefecture). ), the Department of Sociology will be relocated to

 Approximately 2,300 enrolled students (as of May 2021) will be relocated to the campus of the Faculty of Social Sciences.In addition, the current three departments will be reorganized into one department, and the “Comprehensive Sociology Department” (provisional name) will be established. After selecting one from the above, we will develop teaching and learning that integrates sociology and social welfare beyond the course (establishment plan underway). Students enrolling in April 5 will commute to the Fukakusa Campus from their second year onwards under the current three-department system.

 The junior college department on the Fukakusa Campus will stop recruiting students after entering the 2024 academic year. With a history of more than 70 years and more than 1 graduates, the junior college department has been developing theoretical and practical knowledge, skills, and attitudes for interpersonal support in the fields of social welfare, childcare and early childhood education, especially since 4000. Although we have developed a curriculum to learn, we have been unable to meet the enrollment capacity due to the impact of changes in social conditions.

 The Fukakusa Campus has five faculties, the Faculty of Economics, the Faculty of Business Administration, the Faculty of Law, the Faculty of Policy Studies, and the Faculty of International Studies.Taking advantage of the strengths of a comprehensive university, the Fukakusa Campus will be used as a base for social sciences to create new knowledge and value, and to enhance the comprehensiveness of social sciences along with the specialization of each academic field.In addition, with the international city of “Kyoto” as a field, we will grasp social issues from a global perspective and further enhance and develop the “hands-on approach” that the Faculty of Sociology has consistently advocated since its establishment.

 In addition, we are planning to establish a new faculty at the Seta Campus, which has the Faculty of Advanced Science and Engineering and the Faculty of Agriculture.The aim is to make the most of the educational resources of each faculty, and to create value that takes advantage of the characteristics of the region, centering on the natural sciences, and to become a base that drives social change.

reference:[Ryukoku University] Accelerating the development of leaders for the realization of a sustainable society Characterizing three campuses, enhancing functions and learning Promoting a campus brand concept - Considering the relocation of the Faculty of Social Sciences to the Fukakusa Campus and the establishment of a new faculty at the Seta Campus ―
Suspension of Student Recruitment for Ryukoku University Junior College Division
[US Advancement Research Institute] Let's look at the suspension of junior college recruitment and the establishment and reorganization of university faculties

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