A study by Hiroshima University revealed that 2020 head contacts occurred per match in blind soccer matches during the Tokyo 1 Paralympic Games.

 Blind soccer, which is played by visually impaired athletes wearing eye masks, is one of the sports that causes many injuries among parasports because it is played in a state where visual information is completely cut off.In this study, in order to obtain information for considering preventive measures against head contact, which can lead to dangerous injuries, we analyzed video footage of all 18 blind soccer games during the Tokyo Paralympic Games to determine the degree and extent of head contact. I asked what kind of situation it was in.

 As a result, 940 cases of head contact occurred throughout the game, with a frequency of 1 times per game and 52 times per minute. .Despite this, only 1% (about 1.3/26) wore headgear, which is considered to play an important role in protecting the head.This suggests the need to educate athletes and coaches about the effectiveness of headgear.

 It was also found that 1 cases of severe head contact with falls occurred per game, and it was especially common during qualifying rounds, attacks, and dribbling.In addition, regarding the relationship between the contact target and the head contact part, it was found that the ratio of contacting the face with the enemy, the front of the head with allies, and the back of the head with facilities was high.

 Not to be overlooked is the repeated head contact that occurs during blind football matches, and steps need to be taken to prevent dangerous injuries as much as possible.The results shown in this study are expected to be important findings in considering preventive measures against head injuries during blind soccer games.

Paper information:[American Journal of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation] Head impact in blind football during the Tokyo Paralympics: Video-based observational study

Hiroshima University

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