Yusuke Sakurai, Associate Professor, Center for Educational Learning Support and Higher Education Research and Development Center, Hiroshima University, said that foreign researchers who belong to Japanese universities, etc. are realizing the results of knowledge and skills development through connections with people. This was revealed through research by Shizuki Saruta and Wenjuan Cheng, who are both doctoral students at the Graduate School of Humanities and Social Sciences.

According to Hiroshima University, the research group surveyed more than 300 foreign researchers affiliated with Japanese universities and research institutes using questionnaires, and conducted direct interviews with 44 of them. We investigated how they perceive the results of development.

As a result, in the questionnaire survey, it was found that among the various conditions of the work environment, only "high or low evaluation of co-worker relationships" by oneself can realize the results of knowledge and ability development.In the interview survey, it was found that, in addition to human connections, information access support and information sources are the keys to realizing skill development.

Prior research has shown that foreign researchers affiliated with Japanese universities and other institutions have a sense of alienation. I was becoming more specialized.

As a result of the alienation of Japanese universities and research institutes from the global research community, the research group asks what kind of system should be adopted as an institution where Japanese universities become even more internationalized and where researchers gather regardless of nationality. , the results suggestive.

Paper information:[Higher Education Quarterly] Mixed methods study on foreign early career academics' sense of knowledge and intellectual development

Hiroshima University

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