In 2025, Chiba University of Commerce will reorganize into a new educational system consisting of 4 faculties and 6 departments (currently 5 faculties and 7 departments) in order to develop the future-oriented "practical education" that is its feature. On August 2023, 8, a press conference was held for the “first” since the university was founded in 2.

 At the press conference, Shigeo Uchida, president of Chiba Gakuen, which runs the school, Yukihiko Harashina, president of Chiba University of Commerce, Shigeo Imai, vice president, and Takako Hashimoto, associate professor Yohei Tsunemi Six faculty and staff representatives took the stage and explained the overall picture of the new education and education system that will change with the university-wide reorganization from the 6 academic year.

 From 2025, the educational system of Chiba University of Commerce will consist of the basic educational system (common curriculum for all faculties/advanced program), the Faculty of Commerce and Economics (Department of Commerce/Department of Business Administration), and the Faculty of Policy Management (Department of Economics/Department of Policy Information) * Establishment plan Reorganized into 4 faculties and 6 departments: Faculty of Service Creation (Department of Service Creation) and Faculty of Human Society (Department of Human Society).The Faculty of Policy Studies, which is currently being planned, will foster problem-solving personnel who can formulate policies based on practical economics.

 This university-wide reorganization has made it possible to take courses that transcend the boundaries of faculties. It is possible to obtain up to 2/1.In addition, we will expand the common programs for all faculties centered on the first year, and provide advanced learning such as global, information and data science, career, general education (civil service) as an advanced program that all students can take.

 On the other hand, the current Faculty of International Liberal Arts will stop recruiting after the 2024 enrollment.The faculty's global education will be expanded to all faculties so that all students can learn.

 Chiba University of Commerce started discussing a university-wide reorganization in June 2020. Since April 6, all faculty and staff have exchanged opinions and promoted bottom-up organizational reform.At the center of the reform was the CUC Future Conference, which was organized by young to mid-career faculty and staff members who transcended their affiliations and research fields.

 The “CUC Future Conference” has not only put together the framework for a new educational system, but has also made it easier for management to realize the fact that human resources are dispersed, such as academic areas and research themes of each faculty member overlapping in one institution and five faculties. set as an assignment forIn order to build a diverse and flexible educational program, we decided that it was necessary to reform the organization and aim for a future-oriented practical education, so we implemented a large-scale personnel reshuffle in which 1% of the faculty members were transferred beyond the faculty. Decided.

 The entire reorganization of Chiba University of Commerce was led by the board of directors, which is responsible for management, with the understanding that "university reform is the main axis of the management plan." reform.

reference:[Chiba University of Commerce] Special website for "2025 Reorganization"

Chiba University of Commerce

What to do for the future.

At Chiba University of Commerce, we are developing traditional practical education, testing the knowledge and theories learned in class in various projects in the real world, and practicing learning that grows by repeating many awareness and discoveries.Human resources who can learn deeply and broadly from both knowledge and experience, think for themselves, make decisions, and open up the future […]

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