The problem is that there is a gap between recommended treatment methods and actual treatment methods in psychiatric medicine, but the National Center for Psychiatry and Neurology has shown that seminars on clinical practice guidelines are effective in rectifying the gap. This was revealed through a joint study with Ryota Hashimoto, Director of the Department of Mental Disorders and Pathology at the National Institute of Public Health, and researchers from Akita University, Ehime University, Kitasato University, Hyogo College of Medicine, and the University of Tokyo.

 According to the National Center for Neurology and Psychiatry, the research group was comprised of 2016 medical institutions nationwide with 2019 psychiatrists who took the guideline training for schizophrenia and depression from 782 to 176. We compared the percentage of treatments performed by physicians who received the training and those who did not.

 The results showed that the rate of implementation of treatment methods recommended by guidelines for both schizophrenia and depression was significantly higher among physicians who had undergone guideline training, and that this gap was widening over time.The research group believes that training courses will be effective in disseminating the treatment methods recommended in the guidelines.

 In the treatment of schizophrenia and depression, the single-drug treatment rate for antipsychotics and antidepressants recommended by the guidelines varies greatly depending on the hospital, ranging from 0% to 100%, so it will be possible to receive standard specialized treatment anywhere in the country. It's out of necessity.

Paper information:【Psychiatry and Clinical Neurosciences】Effect of education regarding treatment guidelines for schizophrenia and depression on the treatment behavior of psychos: A multicenter study

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