The 2019 Gender Equality White Paper, which was approved by the government, revealed that the number of female researchers majoring in the science and engineering field called "Rikejo" has not increased.The white paper emphasizes the need for an environment where women can work comfortably and career education because there are few familiar cases that can be used as a reference for careers.

 Sections 1 and 2 of the White Paper feature the development of women's education and efforts to enable women to make diverse career choices.According to the report, higher education for women has moved from junior colleges to four-year colleges, but there is a marked bias in the faculties, and the proportion of women in science, agriculture, medicine, dentistry, and social sciences is 4 in 2018. It is more than 3%, and it is only 15% in engineering.

 According to researchers, the percentage of females is 16.2%, which is significantly lower than that of other countries.In the engineering field, which has the largest number of researchers, the percentage of females is 11.1% at universities and 5.6% at companies, with an average of 6.2%.

 According to a learning achievement survey conducted by the OECD (Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development), the science and mathematical literacy of Japanese girls was lower than that of Japanese boys, but higher than that of other countries.For this reason, the white paper is not about grades, but because of environmental factors, there are few women going on to science, and it seems that they have not chosen the path of Rikejo.

 It is said that the fact that women place importance on acquiring qualifications that are advantageous for employment when they go on to university, and that there are few women who can serve as career models in their immediate surroundings, etc.He emphasizes the need to improve the work environment and career education so that women can continue to work, as it is premised on leaving jobs due to childbirth and childcare and then re-employment.

reference:[Cabinet Office] White Paper on Gender Equality for the First Year of Reiwa (Summary Version) (PDF)

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