In October 2020, Hiroshima University and Arizona State University in the United States will establish and jointly operate "Arizona State University / Thunderbird Graduate School of Global Management-Hiroshima University Global School (Global Initiative)" on the Hiroshima University East Hiroshima Campus. Agreed on.This is the first national university to set up a campus of a foreign university on campus.

 Hiroshima University Global School has a bachelor's degree (4 years) global management program, and all classes are conducted in English.Graduates will be awarded a bachelor's degree from Arizona State University.Classes focus on two models: the "2 + 2 model" for the first two years at Hiroshima University and the second two years at Arizona State University's main school, or the "2 + 2 model" for four years at Hiroshima University.Full-scale acceptance of students is scheduled for August 4.

 According to Hiroshima University, through this initiative, we will contribute to the further progress of internationalization of national universities, the management reform of national universities (strengthening financial base and management power), as well as regional revitalization and local communities through various cooperation with local governments. We expect a ripple effect on the activation of.In the future, we aim to apply for "Japanese schools such as foreign universities" through the US Embassy in Japan and receive designation by the Minister of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology.

 On August 2020, 8, President Mitsuo Ochi of Hiroshima University and Minister Carolyn Glasman of the US Embassy in Japan visited the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology.Koichi Hagiuda, Minister of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology said, "This is the first attempt at a national university, so I hope Hiroshima University will take the lead in a new direction."

Reference: [Hiroshima University] Reported to Minister of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology Hagita about the establishment of a vast global school at Arizona State University (ASU).

Hiroshima University

Learning to design your own life. A university that will shine in the world even after 100 years

5 undergraduate faculties and 12 research areas under the five principles of "spirit of seeking peace," "creation of new knowledge," "education to cultivate a rich sense of humanity," "coexistence with local and international communities," and "constant self-transformation." Comprehensive research university with Department 4 Research Institute.Promoting university reforms that focus on both educational and research capabilities, while continuously producing global human resources[…]

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