Professor Kennosuke Tanaka of the Faculty of Career Design, Hosei University and VSN, Inc. jointly conducted an "Awareness Survey on Working Styles in Corona". We received responses from 20 men and women who are full-time IT engineers in their 60s and 1,000s.

 According to the survey, 1% of engineers who performed telework more than one day a week answered that they would like to continue teleworking.It became clear that most of the engineers who carried out telework in Corona's disaster still wanted telework.On the other hand, about 75% of the engineers who performed telework less than one day a week answered that they did not want telework.

 The number one merit of telework is "No commuting required 1%".Next, "high degree of freedom in time allocation 65.1%" and "enhancement of private time 24.7%".Disadvantages are self-management aspects such as "switching between work and private" and "own business management" in addition to issues related to communication with others such as "communication in a team 24.0%" and "communication with other departments 31.6%". The issues in the area became higher as a percentage.

 Regarding the way of working in the With Corona era, "Emphasis on work-life balance (work-life balance type) 27.1%" was the top.This was followed by "working styles that belong to the main business but also side businesses (side business type) 24.9%" and "work styles that belong to one company for a long period of time (career type within the organization) 20.9%". It turns out that the interest of is increasing.

 When asked about the abilities that engineers need to acquire in addition to technical abilities before and after the Corona disaster, the percentage of respondents who answered "consulting ability (ability to find their own problems and propose solutions)" on average for all age groups. Increased by 6% after corona damage. Among engineers in their 20s, the percentage of respondents who answered "consulting ability" increased 1.5 times.

 As a summary, Professor Tanaka said, "Because of the characteristics of the occupation of engineer, the promotion and introduction of telework is accepted as a positive shift.I had great expectations that the fact that the introduction of telework was proceeding smoothly emerged.It is also worth noting that the younger generation emphasizes "consulting ability" as a sub-skill that they want to acquire in the future.There is a growing need for a career-autonomous work style that discovers problems and solves them on its own, rather than relying entirely on organizational changes. "

Reference: [VSN, Inc.] 75% of IT engineers who have experienced telework want to continue telework. "Consulting ability" is the most important sub-skill in Corona.- "Consulting ability" is important for engineers in their 20s. The ratio increased 1.5 times after corona-

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