Professor Ryo Inoue of the Department of Applied Biological Sciences, Faculty of Agriculture, Setan University is a collaborative research with Kyoto Prefectural University, Japan Physical Education University, Kyoto Prefectural University of Medicine, and Institute of Nutrition and Pathology. It was revealed that the exercise of the university may worsen the intestinal environment and cause intestinal upset.
Long-distance runners who engage in long-term, high-intensity exercise on a daily basis are prone to gastrointestinal symptoms such as diarrhea after exercise, which is called "runner diarrhea" and is regarded as a problem, but the clear mechanism is known. I didn't.
Therefore, the research team of Setsunan University and others compared the intestinal environment of 14 healthy women and 15 female long-distance runners, and investigated the effect of daily long-term, high-intensity exercise on the intestinal environment.As a result, it has been reported that the fecal concentration of succinic acid, which causes diarrhea, is related to the ratio of Haemophilus spp., Which is a bacterium that produces succinic acid depending on the intestinal environment, and intestinal inflammation. It was shown that the proportion of Haemophilus, Rothia, and Musispyrilum bacteria was high in female long-distance runners.
Further research on the athlete's intestinal flora and its metabolites and intestinal upset is expected to be useful for athletes' physical condition management such as improvement of intestinal upset.
Paper information:[Journal of Clinical Biochemistry and Nutrition] Intensive, prolonged exercise seemingly causes gut dysbiosis in female endurance runners