It is known that the epidermis of plants contains epidermal chloroplasts, which are smaller in size than normal chloroplasts that photosynthesize.Since the epidermal chloroplast has an underdeveloped structure related to photosynthesis, it has been unclear what it exists for and what function it has.

 Researchers at Shinshu University and Kyoto University happened to respond to the pathogenic filamentous fungi in the epidermal chloroplasts of the plant while studying the battle between plant pathogenic filamentous fungi (molds and fungi) and plants (mutual survival strategies). I discovered the phenomenon of moving to the surface layer side.Filamentous fungi cause 7 to 8% of plant diseases, and the epidermis of plants functions as a barrier to initially prevent the invasion of pathogenic filamentous fungi.From this, the researchers, who predicted that epidermal chloroplasts are involved in the defense response to the attack of pathogenic filamentous fungi, worked to elucidate the function of epidermal chloroplasts. It is found that it is equipped with multiple factors involved in immunity and contributes to strengthening resistance to epidermal invasion by dynamically moving inside the cell to the surface layer side in response to the attack of pathogenic filamentous fungi. rice field.

 When a plant was created in which the intracellular migration of epidermal chloroplasts was suppressed by gene transfer, it was confirmed that pathogenic filamentous fungi easily invade the epidermis in this plant.In addition, in mutant plants in which the immune factors accumulated in the epidermal chloroplasts did not function, the invasion rate of pathogenic filamentous fungi was increased even though the migration of the epidermal chloroplasts to the surface layer was confirmed.That is, it was suggested that the epidermal chloroplasts appearing on the surface layer have a role of repelling pathogenic filamentous fungi.

 If we can develop a technology to enhance and control the function of epidermal chloroplasts based on the results of this research, it is expected that it will lead to the production of highly immune plants that are resistant to various pathogen filamentous fungi.

Paper information:[Nature Communications] Epidermal chloroplasts are defense-related motile organelles equipped with plant immune components

Kyoto University

Foster a free academic style based on the spirit of "self-respect for self-weight" and open up a world of creative learning.

With the motto of self-study, we will continue to maintain a free academic style that is not bound by common sense, and develop human resources who have both creativity and practical ability.We provide an inclusive learning space that allows for diverse and hierarchical choices so that students themselves can choose a solid future through valuable trial and error. […]

Shinshu University

Fostering human resources with abundant human and practical skills in local and global societies

Shinshu University is a wide-area campus-type general university with five campuses in Nagano Prefecture.It consists of eight faculties: humanities, pedagogy, economics, science, medicine, engineering, agriculture, and textiles, and conducts education and research to acquire a wide range of education and basic abilities.Utilizing common education across faculties and the regional characteristics of Shinshu, which is rich in nature […]

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