List of articles on research results

Oil major shift to clean energy, inconsistent with investment behavior

 Dr. Li May, Graduate School of Environmental Sciences, Tohoku University and Gregory Trencher, Associate Professor, Graduate School of Global Environmental Studies, Kyoto University, Tohoku University […]

NTT Communications Starts Demonstration Experiment Using Citizen Participation-type "Digital Disaster Prevention Drill" Tokyo University of Science Cooperates

 NTT Communications Co., Ltd., with the cooperation of the Hydraulics Laboratory, Department of Civil Engineering, Faculty of Science and Technology, Tokyo University of Science, disaster prevention in high-risk areas of flood damage […]

Chiba University confirms effectiveness in clinical trials of online self-help insomnia improvement program

 A research group led by Professor Eiji Shimizu of the Cognitive Behavioral Therapy Center of Chiba University Hospital, in collaboration with the Institute of Economy, Trade and Industry, for adults with insomnia problems […]

Physics: Lower neutrino mass limit ever

Physics: Smallest neutrino mass recorded Anti-electron, one of the elementary particles […]

An English medical journal appeals for unity to overcome depression, and a professor at Kyoto University makes a declaration

 The British global medical journal The Lancet has published a special issue calling for the unity of the world to reduce the social burden of depression.Kyoto University […]

Non-cancer cells that help cancer call for "cooperators" who inhibit immunity Okayama University

 A group of Assistant Professor Hotaka Kawai and graduate student Meiwato of Okayama University found that stromal cells affected by cancer C […] bone marrow-derived cells that inhibit immunity.

"Indulgence type" health food commercial induces false recognition, demonstrated by the University of Tokyo

 Reina Ie, a graduate student at the University of Tokyo, draws health foods as an indemnity for unhealthy behavior.

Climate change: Social determinants of global warming in the 21st century

Climate change: Social determinants of global warming over t […]

The University of Electro-Communications succeeds in embodying the "sixth finger" that can be controlled independently

 The research group at the University of Electro-Communications, in collaboration with the French National Center for Scientific Research, is a person who can move independently of other body parts […]

Biology: Mosquitoes once exposed to non-lethal doses of pesticides learn to avoid pesticides

Biology: Mosquitoes learn to avoid pesticides after single n […]