List of articles of Kobe Gakuin University
Universities nationwide gather Online entrance examination briefing session “University fair at home” Live delivery for 9 consecutive days from 30/5
Lion Kikaku, which operates a university entrance information media, will be hosting a Yo […]
Five years from the start of the activity Repairing more than 5 photos damaged by the earthquake Kogakuin University
Kogakuin University (Shinjuku-ku, Tokyo) was established jointly by Kobe Gakuin University (Kobe City, Hyogo Prefecture) and Tohoku Fukushi University (Sendai City, Miyagi Prefecture).
ANA Airlines School opens on campus Kobe Gakuin University
Kobe Gakuin University (Kobe City, Hyogo Prefecture) and ANA Business Solutions Co., Ltd. (Headquarters, Minato-ku, Tokyo) conclude an educational cooperation agreement. 2015 […]