Aichi Gakuin University Article List

The world's first report of a dermal sheet that promotes wound healing Effective for intractable ulcers

 A joint research group from Ehime University, Aichi Gakuin University, and Yamaguchi University has developed fibroblasts […]

Aichi Gakuin University implements "Sustainable Town Plan 2021" aiming for sustainable community development in Kita-ku, Nagoya City at industry, government and academia

 Aichi Gakuin University will open a sustainable area in Kita-ku, Nagoya City on Saturday, November 2021, 11 with the theme of "Let's create!

Chubu University discovers allergy-suppressing effect on squid ink

 Associate Professor Yoshiyuki Kawamoto and Associate Professor Megumi Takeda of Chubu University have collaborated with Nagoya University and Aichi Gakuin University to add pollen to melanin, which is the main component of Ikasumi pigment […].

Collaboration with private companies in facility management to open in Meijo Park Aichi Gakuin University

"Meijo Community Support Park" scheduled to open in the spring of 2017 in the north garden of Meijo Park centered on Nagoya Castle in Nagoya City, Aichi Prefecture.child […]