Infant article list

Contact with saliva in infancy reduces the risk of developing allergies during school age, Wakayama Medical University, etc.

 A research group led by Yoshimi Kubo, a postdoctoral researcher at Wakayama Medical University, collaborated with Hyogo Medical University, Dokkyo Medical University, and Takatsuki Red Cross Hospital to study Japanese patients […]

The relationship between nutritional characteristics and price of commercially available baby food in Japan, a comparative survey by the University of Tokyo

 A research group led by Specially Appointed Assistant Professor Minami Sugimoto and Professor Satoshi Sasaki of the University of Tokyo is the first in Japan to study the nutrition of Japanese commercial weaning supplements (baby food) […]

The University of Tokyo discovers a phenomenon that nurtures development with meaning in the movement of the limbs of babies

 A research group led by Designated Assistant Professor Seikei Kanazawa at the University of Tokyo Graduate School has proposed that babies who are only a few months old, who are unable to perform conscious movement, can use voluntary movement […]

Judging autism from baby's cry and sleep, Kanagawa Prefectural University of Health and Welfare recruits research funds by crowdfunding

 At the Kanagawa Prefectural University of Health and Welfare Graduate School of Health Innovation, a research group led by Professor Shinichi Tokuno is developing early detection technology for autism […]

Analysis of Hyogo College of Medicine, etc.

 Research teams such as Hyogo College of Medicine's Pediatrics and Eco-Chill Research Hyogo Unit Center conduct a national survey on children's health and environment (Eco-Chill […]]

Discovered that babies expect "the superiority of those with supernatural and anti-intuitive power"

 Osaka University, Kochi University of Technology […] that babies have a judgment bias that "links supernatural and anti-intuitive abilities to social superiority"

Elucidation of the development process of infants' ability to "match the rhythm to the other person" Kyoto University

 A study by Kyoto University revealed that the "ability to match the rhythm with the other person" peculiar to humans gradually appears from around 18 months after birth […].

Infants with older siblings have a higher rate of intestinal bifidobacteria

 A research group led by Assistant Professor Shigeaki Imoto of Juntendo University Graduate School has found that the occupancy rate of intestinal bifidobacteria in Japanese infants is an antibacterial drug during delivery […].

Bunkyo Ward and Japan Women's University collaborate to open and operate "evacuation center for pregnant women and babies"

 In Bunkyo Ward, Japan's first evacuation shelters for pregnant women and babies have been set up at four universities in the ward.At Japan Women's University, one of them, pregnant women […]

Infants relax with their parents' hugs, demonstrated by Toho University, etc.

 A research group led by Assistant Professor Sachine Yoshida and Professor Hiromasa Funato of Toho University School of Medicine relaxes when an infant over 4 months old is hugged by his parents […]