Article list of popular company ranking

Ranking of popular companies for employment: First half of the 2026 graduate job hunt (Summer 2024) survey by Diamond Human Resources

 Diamond Human Resources Co., Ltd. is targeting university and graduate students who are scheduled to graduate (complete) in March 2026.

One Career "University of Tokyo University of Tokyo 24 Job Hunting Popularity Ranking" Announced

 One Career Co., Ltd., which operates the job hunting site ONE CAREER, has announced the popularity ranking of 24 graduates of the University of Tokyo and Kyoto University for job hunting.Tone […]

Ranking of popular companies for employment selected by university students, popularity of general trading companies revived for science boys 

 Diamond Human Resources Co., Ltd. is aimed at university and graduate students who are scheduled to graduate (complete) in March 2023.

Breaking news "Ranking of popular companies for employment in the summer of 2021", both liberal arts and science are accelerating stability consciousness due to corona 

 Diamond Human Resources Co., Ltd. is targeting university and graduate students who are scheduled to graduate (complete) in March 2023.

Gakujo "Ranking of popular companies for employment" breaking news The hotel industry rises ahead of Corona

 Gakujo Co., Ltd. announced the "Ranking of Popular Employment Companies" for 2023 graduate students. 2023rd year university student scheduled to graduate in March 3, graduate school 3 […]

"Ranking of popular companies for employment" breaking news, Sony ranked first in science boys for the first time in 1 years

 Diamond Human Resources Co., Ltd. is targeting university and graduate students who are scheduled to graduate (complete) in March 2022.