List of articles on international joint research

Kyushu University etc. succeeded in analyzing particulate plutonium released from Fukushima nuclear power plant

 An international collaborative research group (Note) by Associate Professor Satoshi Utsunomiya of Kyushu University has found that particles containing plutonium (Pu) -containing fuel particles are soil in Fukushima Prefecture […].

Professor Aoyama of Ibaraki University discovers the oldest and largest public building in the Maya civilization

 An international research team of Professor Takeshi Inomata of the University of Arizona and Professor Kazuo Aoyama of Ibaraki University has left Aguada Phoenix in Tabasco, Mexico […]

Increased homework time increases academic ability, international comparative research with the United States and China Keio University

 Although the impact of the family environment on children's academic ability differs in the three countries of Japan, the United States, and China, it is common in all three countries that the increase in homework time increases academic ability. […]

Negative impact on software development telecommuting, productivity, etc. International survey in 53 countries

The fact that working from home due to the spread of the new coronavirus infection has a negative impact on the physical and mental conditions and productivity of system engineers […]

The risk of death from new coronavirus infection is estimated to be 12 times higher in Wuhan than in other areas.

 Research groups such as Kyoto University have estimated the risk of death when suffering from a new coronavirus infection (COVID-19). 2020 1 […]

Observed by the asteroid "Ryugu" full of gaps and the spacecraft "Hayabusa2"

 Exploration activities by the asteroid explorer "Hayabusa2" revealed that the asteroid Ryugu is a celestial body made of matter full of gaps.Space voyage […]

From toad to firefly The source of poison of Yamakagashi shifts in the process of evolution

 A research group led by Associate Professor Satoshi Mori and Professor Naoki Mori of Kyoto University analyzed the cervical gland of the poisonous snake Rhabdophis tigrinus, and the poisonous component is derived from firefly […].