Wound article list

The world's first report of a dermal sheet that promotes wound healing Effective for intractable ulcers

 A joint research group from Ehime University, Aichi Gakuin University, and Yamaguchi University has developed fibroblasts […]

Balance of cutaneous macrophages during wound healing, Wakayama Medical University reveals

 A research group led by Yumi Kuninaka, a postdoctoral researcher at Wakayama Medical University, reported that M1 and M2 macrophages […]

Yamaguchi University and others elucidate a part of the high-speed wound repair mechanism of fish

 The research group of Chika Okimura, a researcher at Yamaguchi University Graduate School, is a collection of cells related to fish wound repair in collaboration with the groups of Musashino University and the University of Tokyo […]