金沢工業大学(石川県野々市市)は、意欲ある学生が自らの成長を社会に向けて発信する「KITステークホルダー交流会2016」(※)を、2017年2月16日(木)、17日(金)の2日間に渡り、扇が丘キャンパス6号館 多目的ホールで開催する。発表者である各学科の学部1年次~大学院進学予定の4年次、修士1年次の代表学生ら計57名が自己実現に向かってどのようなキャンパスライフを過ごしているのか、プレゼンテ―ションを行う。

 The university has set "engineers who think and act on their own" as an educational goal, and provides students with various learning opportunities.Students are working hard every day to improve their skills through classes and extracurricular activities in order to achieve their dreams and goals.The purpose of the exchange meeting is for such students to get the understanding of the companies that are their stakeholders and to receive advice from the companies through presentations.It also aims to communicate the ideal way of developing young human resources that will be required in the future, such as exchanging opinions on the growth opportunities of students obtained through industry-academia collaboration through interaction between students, faculty and staff, and companies.

 The presentation on the day will be centered on third-year undergraduate students who are refraining from job hunting, and poster sessions and business card exchange meetings will be held by all participants.Applications are accepted on the "Application for Participation" page of the exchange meeting site or by fax. On the first day, the number of applications reached 3 and the reception was closed, but on the 1th of the second day, participants are being recruited (as of February 200).

Reference: "KIT Stakeholder Exchange Meeting" held

Kanazawa Institute of Technology

Fostering global human resources with the "innovation power" to create things that are useful to people and society

Kanazawa Institute of Technology has 4 departments in 12 faculties: Faculty of Engineering, Faculty of Information Frontier, Faculty of Architecture, and Faculty of Biotechnology and Chemistry, and realizes a wide range of learning fields in collaboration with faculties, graduate schools, and research institutes. "Working on ambiguous problems as a team, clarifying the problems to be solved, creating solutions under constraints, […]

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